Win. B. Mathews, tin- in. Author of 'linn, lie.. ATTORNEY AT LAW,. LAte Assistan'. Chief of the Pre-emption Division and Kxaminer of Mineral Contests of thu General Lund <<IHce. practice before the t'. K. Supreme Court, the Court of ...
... Supreme court. Si'Jiool suffrage for women exists, on various terms, in ... Wisconsin. They can vote for trustees of tbe state university in Illinois ... in author deposits two title puses of his 1)«H>K wl'li tbo Librarian of ...
... Wisconsin. Loannouncements— 9. was defeated. not fair, especially to tbe ... court to answer a charge of clear — that the Easton Power Company's and the correct shape. with mnrder in the first degree. Sicber'a The injured man died shortly ...