subject:"Communist countries" from
This book will be of much interest to scholars and students of the Eisenhower era, diplomatic history, the Cold War, and contemporary foreign policy.
subject:"Communist countries" from
First published as a second edition in 1989, Socialist Planning was the standard introductory text on the economics of socialist planning.
subject:"Communist countries" from
Discusses America's secret plan known as Rollback that was designed to subvert and sabotage the Soviet grip on its satellite countries after the collapse of Nazi power in 1945.
subject:"Communist countries" from
This volume of seventeen essays is a collection of papers delivered by scholars from the USA, Sweden, Israel, Germany and Poland at the conference on Yiddish Culture in the Communists Countries in the Postwar Era which was organized at the ...
subject:"Communist countries" from
Marc Selverstone recreates the manner in which the "monolith" emerged as a perpetual framework on both sides of the Atlantic.
subject:"Communist countries" from
Content: Written from his experiences as a vice-president of Yugoslavia and aide to Tito, the author here records face to face meetingwith Stalin from 1944-1953. The author was imprisoned by the Yugoslav government from 1957-1961.
subject:"Communist countries" from
This work, written in 1976, comprises the author's memoirs and personal impressions of his direct meetings and other various contacts with the leaders of the CPSU and the other Communist and Worker's parties during the years 1953-1961
subject:"Communist countries" from
This is the first full-length study of relations among the communist states.