Die Verwirklichung des Rechts im Zivilprozess ist weithin eine Frage der Kosten. Michael Breyer erarbeitet systematisch das deutsche, englische und amerikanische Prozesskostenmodell und analysiert die jeweilige Effizienz und Effektivität.
This outlines the background and responses to Consultation paper CP 15/2013, Cm. 8608 (ISBN 9780101860826). It covers the reforms of the fee remission system; next steps; summary of responses and resultant policy changes.
Lord Justice Jackson was required: to review the rules and principles governing the costs of civil litigation and to make recommendations in order to promote access to justice at proportionate cost; to review case management procedures; to ...
Changes to the fees charged for using civil courts will mean hard-working taxpayers will no longer be left footing so much of the bill for operating them.
In January 2009, the then Master of the Rolls, Sir Anthony Clarke, appointed Lord Justice Jackson to lead a fundamental review of the rules and principles governing the costs of civil litigation.
"L'ordinamento e la disciplina degli uffizi ipotacari, la disciplina pei magistrati ed officiali addetti all'amministrazione della giustizia, e le tasse dei giudizi civili"--Preliminaries
"L'ordinamento e la disciplina degli uffizi ipotacari, la disciplina pei magistrati ed officiali addetti all'amministrazione della giustizia, e le tasse dei giudizi civili"--Preliminaries