This book reports on vital research on the ecology of big-leaf mahogany, including genetic variations, regeneration, natural distribution patterns and the silvicutural and trade implications for the tree.
This proposed book will delve into these fascinating connections, highlighting how wood density acts as a key player in shaping the lives of plants and the overall health of forest ecosystems.
This edition of Professor Satoo's book has been made possible the help of Dr John F. Hosner and the Virginia Poly technical Institute and State University who invited Dr Satoo to Blacksburg for three months in 1973 at about the time when he ...
Changing Tropical Forests begins with an overview of the history of deforestation in tropical America and the tasks facing Latin American environmental historians.
Proulx tells the stories of the descendants of Sel and Duquet over three hundred years—their travels across North America, to Europe, China and New Zealand under stunningly brutal conditions—the revenge of rivals, accidents, pestilence ...
Intense research in several insect orders has yielded a large amount of data. This book provides a comprehensive overview, with special emphasis placed on pheromone-specific and host-related detection and processing of odour information.
There are three unique features of this book: The first is its organization. The material is organized around two common economic models used in forest and natural resources management decision making.