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subject:"Negotiable instruments" from
There are no other books that undertake a similar analysis—there are legal treatises on the law of checks and notes, but all of them take for granted the basic assumptions challenged in this book.
subject:"Negotiable instruments" from
From the "Risk Management" series, this is a guide through the terminology and purpose of corporate bonds. The text describes the various markets in which securities can be issued.
subject:"Negotiable instruments" from
The book also has an excellent section on trade documentation.
subject:"Negotiable instruments" from
This volume contains the contributions from the convention "The Future of Clearing and Settlement" which the ILF staged on June 27, 2005, at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University.
subject:"Negotiable instruments" from
El estudio de títulos es el conjunto de conocimientos requeridos para determinar las factibilidad jurídica de cualquier operación sobre un bien inmueble.