Twain's nihilistic tale, set in the 1590's, about an Austrian boy who encounters an angel called Satan who reveals to the boy the true nature of existence: 'nothing exists but you'.
Yet they are so artfully designed and integrated that one who reads them in order is impressed by the book's wholeness and the momentum of its argument.
Describes, surveys, and discusses the major historical aspects of the Habsburg Empire - diplomatic, political, institutional, socioeconomic, and cultural.
. . . The best English version of the novel."—Marc A. Weiner, Indiana University "In Arthur Schnitzler the two strands of Austrian fin-de-siècle culture, the moralistic and the aesthetic, were present in almost equal proportions.
Treadway's work is the first comprehensive study of Montenegro's relations with her Great-Power neighbors on the eve of World War I. "An excellent contribution".--"Eastern European Quarterly".