subject:"Hunting" from
Colonel John Henry Patterson, the chief engineer overseeing the project, then took matters into his own hands.
subject:"Hunting" from
V. 1, 2, 3, 4 -- The winning of the West. v. 5, 6 -- The naval war of 1812. v. 7 -- Hunting the grisly and other sketches. v. 8 -- The wilderness hunter. v. 9 -- Hunting trips of a ranchman; Hunting trips on the Prairies and in the ...
subject:"Hunting" from
V. 1, 2, 3, 4 -- The winning of the West. v. 5, 6 -- The naval war of 1812. v. 7 -- Hunting the grisly and other sketches. v. 8 -- The wilderness hunter. v. 9 -- Hunting trips of a ranchman; Hunting trips on the Prairies and in the ...
subject:"Hunting" from
Helge Ingstad's life in the Canadian Arctic spanned the 1920s and 1930s.
subject:"Hunting" from
Queen Charlotte Steelheads -- Fishing in Europe -- New Zealand Adventure -- Kilimanjaro -- Stalking the White Foxes of the Sea -- Full Circle -- On Turniptown Creek -- Index
subject:"Hunting" from
The story of a young boy's love for two hunting dogs and his coming of age in Oklahoma in the 1930's.