subject:"Marine resources" from
" "Accompanying the text are more than 100 maps, including 5 extraordinary new maps showing the nature of the seafloor of the major ocean basins in detail not published before.
subject:"Marine resources" from
This book presents an informative reference for policy decision-makers, fishery managers and stakeholders, on the impetus for countries to strengthen their fisheries management.
subject:"Marine resources" from
Marzano explores the exploitation of marine resources in the Roman world and its role within the economy.
subject:"Marine resources" from
This guide is a tool for identifying the major resource groups likely to be encountered in the fisheries of Namibia.
subject:"Marine resources" from
However, jurisdictional application of the Law of the Sea has not been easy. In this book the basic problems of regionalization are concisely described in relation to each area regime and the regulations of the new Law of the Sea.
subject:"Marine resources" from
Guide to the Oceans is a handy reference that provides comprehensive information about every aspect of the world's oceans and seas. The book features vibrant color photographs, maps, artwork and well organized data.
subject:"Marine resources" from
Merkwaardigheden en mysteries der wereldzeeën, oceanografisch zowel als biologisch
subject:"Marine resources" from
This book is the first to deal holistically in a single volume with the full range of problems confronting our oceans on the eve of the twenty-first century.
subject:"Marine resources" from
Met behulp van wiskundige modellen wordt een voorspelling gegeven van de produktie van histamine, waarbij rekening is gehouden met bederf door temperatuursinvloeden tijdens bewaring, invloeden door bevriezing, door vertraagde bevriezing, ...