3,444 reviews
Choravˇ Review provided by Target ˇ February 14, 2024
I used this brand in the sensitive skin “fragrance free” blend for at least 15 years. They stopped selling the fragrance free blend , now, all of the sensitive skin blends have scents (at least where I reside). I switched over to the free and clear blend (sensitive skin) and immediately broke out. However, it never dawned on me for months that it was the detergent, because how? I literally stopped using everything else “except” this detergent. Because again, how would a free and clear blend for “sensitive skin” break me out? I spent countless days in the emergency room and hospital for treatment, and to try to get assistance with trying to determine the “why.” One day, I decided to just stop washing with this detergent. I used pure baking soda for testing. Bingo!!!!! I stopped breaking out. I wonder why they won’t keep the ingredients on products, especially on things like detergent the same??
Way smaller, smells & looks contaminated
KRˇ Review provided by Target ˇ June 1, 2024
Opened the new shrinkflation bottle (189oz-140 oz-still says same 140 loads, ha) and it smelled awful and was cloudy and yellowish/brown (was clear and odorless in the past)-maybe they changed manufacturers/ingredients or quality control along with the size? Had something similar happen over a year ago with an old bottle where smell was off a little but thought it was because I’d had it stored in my garage for a long time before using-son broke out in an itchy rash then and washcloths smelled bad when mixed with a certain brand of bodywash, suggesting abnormal residue left behind-replacement bottle at the time was fine and fixed all of those problems, so thought it was a one-off. But this bottle is brand new and truly foul; smell is unbelievably rotten and detergent is clearly contaminated with something. Going back to store and will never buy again. Was a customer for decades.
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
Michaelˇ Review provided by ˇ October 22, 2024
This product pictured is the armor hammer product you want! As pictured!!!

Armor Hammer has changed the original formula. It is no long odorless! They've changed the container from gold, green, red and white.

It is now in a green n White container.

This new product is Not odorless!
Green, gold, Lil red, white Is Oderless!

This is critical knowledge IF you have a chemical sensitivity!!! I have one. Odors, smells, give me reactions I can't even begin too describe!

When it's bad it feels like your being attacked by I don't Know what the f_ck!!! If you have one You Know what I'm talking about!

I did some digging found out what it's called. Huge relief!!! Only to find out there isn't much knowledge out there for this condition. Multiple Cheminal Sensitivity. MCS!

Scent, newspaper print has formaldehyde in it! Formaldehyde is in alot of things. You have too investigate ingredients, components, organics, what it's made of.

I Knew what it's called though. That was a big something!

This condition is progressive. Not what U want too hear! Avoidance is All U got!!!

Being smart helps!
BAD SHIPPING, leaking bottles
Pattyˇ Review provided by ˇ May 18, 2024
I received my order today. I'm not happy at all about the way the product arrived. The lids were NOT secured, and they leaked quite a bit of the LIQUID detergent out in the plastic ziplock bag, which was not zipped as well! I'm totally surprised the box wasn't damaged any more than it was.
You need to have a talk with your shipping department and the delivery people as well..ASAP!! Also, the box looked like it was thrown about. It is dented and scuffed!
I'm sending pictures. Sorry to say that I'm disappointed in your shipping of this product. Things usually arrive just fine, and I'm very happy with the arrival of my products.
ps, you may not want to share this review, which is fine with me.
Thank you
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